Published Short Fiction
“Future Gardens” published in FUTURA , a six-story Malaysian science fiction collection (June 2013).
“Oracle of Truth” in KL Noir (published February 2013). According to this review by , it’s an ‘unfortunate’ tale of a fortune teller who has the bad luck to have a nasty run-in with the local triad.
“Aqua Subculture” is reprinted in The The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica, volume 11 (November 2012)
“Ninja Wings” in Esquire Malaysia (December 2012)
“Jaguar Tracks” in Esquire magazine (November 2011, Malaysian edition). Flash fiction with sci-fi overtones. An actor’s crusade to save jaguars from extinction does not have the requisite movie happy-ending. (Click on link to read PDF)
“Artificial Rock Aquarium” in Readings from Readings, volume 2 (November 2012). An androgynous girl ends up as the lead singer for a Kuala Lumpur U2 tribute band.
‘Scenes From the Shopping Complex’ in Urban Odysseys (2008, MPH Publishing)

‘Lead Balloon’ in The Best of Singapore Crime Fiction (2010 Monsoon Publishing, Singapore)
‘Aqua-Subculture’ in The Best of Southeast Asian Erotica (2010 Monsoon Publishing) and Best of Asian Erotica 1 (2011 Monsoon Publishing)
‘Northern Tide, Northern Time’ in Sini:Sana: Travels In Malaysia ( 2011 MPH Publishing)
Shortlisted for the 2009 MPH-Alliance Bank National Short Story Award
for her story, ‘The Englishman at Table 19′.
Shortlisted for the 2009 MPH-Alliance Bank National Short Story Award
for her story, ‘The Englishman at Table 19′.

Ten minute play, “Triple-Squared” shortlisted for Short+Sweet Malaysia 2010 (Theatre Playwright Award)
Reviewed ‘Carnival of Souls’ and ‘Requiem For A Dream’ for the Directory of World Cinema: American Independent. Available from Intellect UK.

Reviewed ‘Shakespeare In Love’ and ‘Naked’ for the future volume of the Directory of World Cinema: British Cinema (Intellect UK). To be released in August 2012
Published Flash Fiction
‘A Tall Fence Story’ published in The Selangor Times (28th January 2011)
‘Amplitude’ published in The Selangor Times (5th August 2011)
Co-ordinator and reviewer for Canadian speculative short fiction website The Portal